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(#330 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
10-20-2009, 12:48 AM

We should all be honest with ourselves, it isn't Bush's fault, Obama's fault, Clinton's fault, Reagan's fault or any of the rest of em persay. It's technically our fault, "we the people" run the American system of government and it's "we the people" that voted these folks into office. So really, if we have major gripes about it, we need to look in the mirror.

Clintjm; The American system as a whole, is more likely to have a facist approach to governmental takeover than a socialistic one. Facist, communist or socialist dictatorships are useually the end result of a government.To figure wich type of dictatorship will take place, one needs to see which type of for runner governmental system best favors that result historically.

I contend that Republic's ( Wich is what the United States really is) generally usher in Facist style dictatorships, while tyrants and kings tend to bring in communistic ones. Plain Jane democracies, such as what much of Europe has, brings in Socialistic takeovers. It really doesn't matter in the end, each system has power in the hands of a few who dictate what everyone else can do, useing power and fear to inforce those dictates.
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