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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
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Location: Illinois, USA
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10-20-2009, 10:05 PM

By the common description of "mixed" (i.e. it "shows" through skin color or certain physical features) I'm not. However, with ancestry...I only know half of mine.

Black (again...impossible to know from where...)
Native American (grandmother is Cherokee and Blackhawk...great-grandmother was Cherokee, great-grandfather was Blackhawk)

I think interracial children can be so cute. My only worry is society's reaction to them. I hate it when I see interracial kids get picked on for it. It's totally their fault for being born the way they were. It's even better when they get to learn about their heritage. One thing that I really hate about being what I am, is that I have no links to my heritage. If I were to give it a name, I'd say I have culture envy. That's probably the reason I'm so enamored with foreign culture.

外人警報発令中!!!! ヽ(`Д')ノ
My Japanese still sucks. Feel free to correct me! Any constructive criticism is appreciated.((どうも、ナゴナゴさん!!))
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