Originally Posted by MMM
Maybe it is because I am a foreigner and maybe it is because I went at non-peak hours at the QB House at Nishinomiya Gardens but there was no rush and I spent at least 20 minutes if not more in the stylist's chair both times (however, I had no impression that either was a factor...there was a signboard outside that indicated wait-time, so I don't think the stylists rushed in any way)
If they`re busy, they`ll put a little timer up and when the 10 minutes end do a mirror around and ask for your final requests.
It really does make a huge difference depending on the day and time of day. At peak times there will be a 90 minute wait, with people standing outside waiting... But on weekday afternoons you could probably sit in there for 45 minutes getting a cut without any complaints. If you`re working though, you don`t really have the option of heading in during those hours.