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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-22-2009, 05:21 AM

Originally Posted by Yuusuke View Post
Well I want to practice Japanese again since it's my anticipated major I'm going with when I go to College next year.

So i was wondering if anyone has any sites that could help at all?

Anything would help really,
Sites with Kanji flash cards.
Sites with sentence help.
Verbs etc.

Plus I'd like a partner to practice with. Usually when I do people either add me, but never really sign on or chat. and I think it would be really helpful for the learning expierence if I had some kind of partner(s)

please and thank you (=

Add another tally mark to our running total of "requests for sites with Japanese instruction that have been answered identically a hundred times before but cannot be arsed to use the search feature."

Yuusuke, download Anki, google for "JLPT [whatever level you want to study for] kanji/vocab" and make some flashcards. You learn better making them yourself.

If you're at an intermediate level, start reading newspaper articles, too. Add any word or phrase you don't understand already to your Anki deck. Get any translation help with that here or via a dictionary.

That is all you need (oh yeah, and study Tae Kim for grammar).
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