Originally Posted by iPhantom
Not really, I love Vista, but it's downright insane to say you can make Vista run faster than XP by 'tweaking'. tweaking as in your meaning won't really speed Vista to any big point, it'll just reduce the pain of Aero Glass and some other stuff but it will still be a resource hog. Now, tweaking or 'tweaked OS' in everyday use means removal of 'unneeded functionalities' and this one does make it faster but removes features.
Either way, in both cases you're so wrong.
Last summer, I worked with a PC Management team that were trying to make their own build of Vista for a Group of Engineers within the company. They had to have a 64-bit OS. I started out by testing software for compatibility issues! After all of this was done, I shadowed and helped one of the programmers in the company.
Having 8GB of Memory on the PC, he tweaked Vista to make it ridiculously fast. He programmatically allocated memory to services. This added with ReadyBoost and SuperFetch, made the OS a work of art in smoothness and speed! The programmer not being convinced that it's faster being a Hardcore Linux fan, he ran some tests to compare (rank in brackets, 1 being 1st);
Vista 32-bit (6)
Vista 64-bit (4)
Vista 64-bit tweaked (1)
XP (5)
XP 64-bit (3)
XP 64-bit tweaked (?)
Mandriva Linux (2)
Vista 64bit tweaked walked all over em except Linux which was slightly behind (shocked?). XP tweaked was damn fast, but crashed randomly.
So, Mr half one religion and half another, if you don't know the details, don't assume someone is talking about Aero Glass and simplicities when someone says Tweak!