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(#32 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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10-24-2009, 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by orca View Post
Hate against cabbage? That's a new one,lol!
Basically what happened was GTJ wrote a bunch of threads nit-picking on small things about life in Japan and some of the old timers took offense. It's not even about cabbage anymore, it's all JF politics. I don't think, in his defense, GTJ should be branded the board's "Japan hater", though. That's a bit unfair considering MMM did speak to him about it, and as far as i've seen he has since laid off using JF as a way to vent. He had a moan and it was annoying, but do we really need to drag on some campaign against it at this stage in the game?

Also this thread is ooooolllld. Please let it die.
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