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(#11 (permalink))
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orca (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 37
Join Date: Oct 2009
10-24-2009, 12:00 PM

Oooooh! This is a controversial question, ok so i'll giv my view and experience on it lol.

Although British born I come from an Asian(Indian) family therefore arranged marriage is common in my family and culture, tho I don't believe it right and it has no place in my life.
My mother and father had an arranged marriage and so did their parents and most of my relatives. Though I hav some cousins aunts and uncles who rejected arranged marriage and married their partner of choice.

My mother was trying to arrange my marriage 10yrs ago and I refused which led to conflict between us and further conflict when I started dating a man who wasn't an asian, they called it culture, I call it racism.
Sure things didn't work out between us and i've had boyfriends since but that doesn't mean my parents were right and me wrong to not hav my partner chosen for me, I see a failed relationship with my partner as an experience an learn from it, I hav something my parents didn't and that is FREEDOM of CHOICE. I believe as an adult I hav total rights and capability of choosing who I spend my life with, I don't believe I ever made a wrong choice because every experience teaches me more about myself my needs and wants.

For my mother however I think it was best her marriage was arranged, because she had no education and can't think for herself, to live her life with freedom and to make her own choices would be extremely difficult for her seeing as all her choices have always been made for her and she's been programmed since birth to believe that is the right and only path.
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