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(#20 (permalink))
Yuusuke (Offline)
Posts: 596
Join Date: Jun 2008
10-26-2009, 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
To be fair, I did inform you that this question has been asked about a bajillion times
Of course i qkno it has. so i would think people would have websites. other than you.

i'm checking out Anki

Edit This is also one of the reasons why you want to take classes: websites cannot possibly provide the structure you need for an intermediate-advanced level of language acquisition. This is something you learn in classes, and then you hit a level where you read materials in Japanese and spot things you don't fully understand and ask.
I cann't take classes until my college starts so i wanted to brush up on my japanese. I'm not totally for independent work, I'd rather be in a class

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