Okay maybe a silly question but I wanna know how often do people eat their meals in Japan? I know of 3 meals per day but do they have snacks in between, at what times and what do they snack on in general?
I think Japanese women are stunning, they look so light and flawless, I know some of it could be genetic but I think it's also alot to do with diet and lifestyle so wanna adopt as much of it as I can in the hope I too can look that slim ...jus a few more pounds to go
Alot of people do 3meals per day+snacks yet alot of people who are into fitness go gym etc swear by 5smaller meals per day, I usually eat 3meals per day+snacks, at morning midday and evening.
Given their incredible physiques i'm curious to know at what hrs people eat in Japan, because although I now know alot of What is eaten i'm still not sure When it's eaten, nex step will b to learn how to cook it.
Also i've been using chopsticks to eat for the past week and its working, I eat slower and in small amounts and i'm fuller and consuming less food without feeling i'm eating less. Strange thing about chopsticks and me is that i've never really had to learn how to use them I just could. I've only used them a few times before when given with a chinese takeaway and I could always naturally pickup food with them and eat, so at least thats a hurdle less, i've a friend who spent ages tryin to use them with me yesterday when round for dinner, anyone else had difficulty or ease when first using them? it'd b interesting to kno lol.