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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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10-27-2009, 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by earthie View Post
Wow thanks, that's really great. So I'll take the middle way.
In order to write it down, three short questions.
-If you don't get the phrase on one line, is it important, where to seperate the signs? (probably i need 3 for this one) No. You can separate anywhere. (I'm talking about those three specific sentences, not written Japanese in general.)

-These are only quote signs?: 「」 Yes. Leave them out when you write.

-Although it's a question it ends with a 。? Right. There's no question mark in properly written Japanese. In the last two sentences, you could opt to use it since they are casual Japanese. I wouldn't if I were you, though. It would make me look unnecessarily aggresive with the invitation.

Gotta hit the sack now. I'm sure others will respond if you have further questions.

欢迎光临JF!再見 & 晚安!
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