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duo797 (Offline)
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10-27-2009, 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by duo797 View Post
Er, this is slightly confusing. I'm not sure if you mean separate the characters, in which case you should refer to them as kana. If I understand your question correctly and you want to break it into three lines I would do


Is this what you wanted? I'm not really sure why you want line breaks.
I was thinking about it and wanted to emphasize that what I've done is spread one complete sentence into three parts over three lines. If *I* was writing this letter to someone or sending a message or something along those lines, I would've kept it in one line. It's kinda like doing this in english:

Will you
go with me
to the dance.

There's really no reason to split the sentence, I just did it in a manner that would make it easiest to understand for the reader since you want it split for some reason.
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