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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-27-2009, 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by Tease View Post
Hi JF,
I'm doing my graduation report on the Massacre(rape) of Nanking
So I was wondering if someone had a story/information that is not available on sites like Wikipedia and other history websites.
I'm hoping to get some grandpa told stories of the war and that specific time and place.

I know this still is a difficult subject in Japan but I'm looking forward to some helpful replies

If you're using Wikipedia for a graduation report (a/k/a "thesis," no?), then give up and accept your double F minus.

I would suggest you go to a library. My local university has 117 books on Nanking, and they're likely all a lot more trustworthy than Wikipedia: University of Texas Libraries /All Locations

PS the Wikipedia article on the Rape of Nanking has a "further reading" section that even links to some online PDF files of good stuff: Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Out of curiosity, what grade are you doing this for?

And I'm pretty sure there are books of nothing but compilations of Nanking stories told by eyewitnesses. But I'd be willing to bet there are a ton more in Japanese and a superton more in Chinese.
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