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smbx33 (Offline)
90's ジングル
Posts: 85
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Allentown,PA
10-28-2009, 05:37 AM

Actually the only people who claim that vista is a resource hog, I find to be people with crappy computers, with the bare minimum needed to run vista. I recommend people get better hardware before they start complaining bout the software.

The speed between vista and xp arent that far apart when you have more than 2 gigs of ram. But that doesnt matter much anymore since windows 7 is better than both of them :P

Windows FTW.

As a side note:
I <3 linux, I have a couple of live cds like Backtrack, Helix,Penguin Sleuth. As well as distros like Redhat and Fedora.
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