Originally Posted by Esinem
I was, as a gaijin (a term that doesn't offend me), somewhat surprised to find, upon reading the forum terms, that to abbreviate 'Japanese' results in a ban. I have never considered this to be offensive or racist in itself, any more than I consider 'Brit' to be. I had always regarded both as no more than a convenient contraction. However, it appears to be on a par with the notorious N-word. I accept that I might be a cultural dinosaur
It's all very confusing as reducing it to a single letter seems OK, e.g. J-rock. Is shortening the word always considered racist and offensive?
Abbreviating "Japanese" is not offensive and does not result in a ban. I think you are talking about the term "J@P" which has been banned by the rules of this site. Whether or not you find it racist or offensive isn't the question. That's this site's policy, so like it or lump it.