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Allene7 (Offline)
The Nymphic Ninja
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Location: U.S.
10-28-2009, 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
When I lived in Japan, I had seen a few family entertainment programmes on the subject of father;s dating their own daughters.

Do you think this is like a bonding type thing or is it more of a fantasy thing for the Father's?
I definitely think it's a bonding thing. I also think it's a great idea. I was only able to go out with my dad alone when I was younger a handful of times but I had so much fun just spending time with him without my other siblings around. It made me feel very special. My dad also took the opportunity to tell me what kind of things guys should do for me and to tell/show me that I deserved to be treated well. Which I think it's good to know how you should be treated by the opposite sex because it's pretty easy to be walked all over.

So I think the one on one bonding time with dads and daughters, as well as, moms and sons is a wonderful thing to do. Although, I also think it's something that should be done when the kids are young. If you wait until they get too old to do this kind of thing I think you'll only get rebellion, unless you already have a very close relationship with your parents.