Hi everyone, i really do need help, i found this conversation [BELOW] in my girlfriend's account
, named Yumi. I am Chinese and my girlfriend is Japanese, she has been talking to this guy forever. because of my inability to read Japanese word, i dont mind. But what i need to know are:
1. is she cheating on me?
2. Is the guy [Naota] a total "flirt"?
3. Can somebody translate this for me? I really appreciate your help and I believe this forums is the best!
Naota Takimoto 来年の夏かー。遠いな~。
Anyway, I love u.
Yumi LOL!ショックのふりしてくれちゃってーありがとう!か� �いいねーw夢にでてきた?本当かよ?!w今日本?私来年 の夏日本に帰る予定です!Takiさんいるかな?
Naota Takimoto ゆみちゃん、一週間前位夢に出てきたよ。やっぱ運命だ ね~。
Yumi taki san genkiii?!
Naota Takimoto ユミちゃん、俺のためでしょ!ほんっと俺のこと愛して るね。
Yumi taki san!
skype add shitayoo~!
hima attara hanasouu
Naota Takimoto はい、YUMIさんっ!!!
Yumi ハハハTAKIさんのことだから多分絶対近いうちシド ニーに来てそう!早くおいでーw.
Naota Takimoto やだYUMIちゃん来て。でも多分そのうちいく気が・・・� �
Yumi 2ヶ月も待てないねーだ!w シドニーおいでよー!