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smbx33 (Offline)
90's ジングル
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Location: Allentown,PA
10-29-2009, 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I guess you aren't aware that even in America you are supposed to carry ID on you at all times. If you aren't carrying an ID card or drivers license, and are stopped by the police for any reason, then they have a right to detain you until you can prove who are are. When I was a police officer, anyone who wasn't carrying an ID card was likely up to no good, and if they couldn't explain to my satisfaction that they were really who they said they were (it's pretty easy to find out when someone is lying about their identity), then they were going to be taken to the station, get fingerprinted, photographed, and wait in a cell until their ID was verified/discovered.

As for the new cards here in Japan, my drivers license already has the chip in it. I just renewed my old ARC card (they are good for 4 years, but you have to get a renewal stamp annually), I'm not sure if and when they'll have me come in for the new card.

I don't go "smashing" ID cards and other things because I don't like the fact that they contain RFID chip, that's stupid. Not having these cards pretty much relegates you to being a second or third-class person, unable to enjoy the privileges which most other people have. You can't vote, you can't drive, you can't open a bank account, and you can't travel.
I guess you missed the part:

Originally Posted by smbx33 View Post
To be honest, I dont mind the fact that you have to have one, I kind of like it. But the fact that you have to have it on you 100% of the time, is a little over the top.
1. I leave my house without a wallet sometimes and I have been pulled over by the police and not once did they take me to the police station to "Identify Myself". In the US you don't need to carry identification all the time though I can save your life if you are a foreigner.

2. Even if I had that card, In Japan, foreigners don’t have the right to vote, no matter how long you live there. And not only at national elections, but also at local elections. Now, if they want the right to vote, they must get Japanese nationality, because even a residency isn't good enough. And Everyone knows how long it takes to become a citizen

3. Since we are going to be included in the "same" file system isn't there another way to prove who we are like a Japanese native would ( because Japanese nationals are required to have them but not on them 100%) Its like a double standard...In the US we could check everyone in the system by social security, where if you are registered your pretty little face will pop up on their computers and there's no need to go a station.

4. I never Argued that this was a bad thing, I also said that I am for it. Never did I bash/smash it for being implemented as Japanese ID cards.
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