Originally Posted by keego
Most likely. Sometimes it comes as more of a sweet 'soup' than jam, and you can get smooth paste as well as the type with the whole beans in it. Recipes for it are easy to find and you should be able to find aduki beans (dried, tinned or frozen usually) in some supermarkets. If you're still in the UK try Tesco, but if not Waitrose definitely have it.
Here's a recipe for the purin (very roughly translated) from this blog:
黒ゴマ豆乳プリン By オットレシピ>
Black Sesame Soy Milk Pudding by "Ottorecipe"
■材料 5個分
Ingrediants- Makes 5 portions.
Soy milk (muchousei means literally 'unregulated' but I'm unsure as to what that really translates as) 400ml.
black sesame paste 2 teaspoons
sugar 100g
2 eggs
Toasted sesame as needed
1.小鍋に豆乳と砂糖を入れ、泡立て器でかき混ぜ ながら人肌くらいまで温める。
1. Put the soy milk and sugar into a small pan, bring up to about body temperature whilst mixing with an egg beater at the same time.
2.ボウルに練り黒ごまを入れ、1を少しずつ加え ながら溶き混ぜる。
2. Put the sesame paste in a bowl, add the milk mix little by little, mixing until the paste has dissolved.
3.器に卵を割り入れてよく溶きほぐし、2のボウ ルに少しずつ加えながら混ぜ合わせる。
3. Break the eggs into a container and whisk, then gradually add the eggs to the sesame milk and blend together.
4. Strain the mix through a sieve.
5.蒸気の上がった蒸し器(蒸篭)で強火で2分、 少し弱めて(中火よりやや強め)で15分程蒸す。
In a steamer, steam the mixture on high for 2 minutes, then turn it down a little and steam for a further 15 minutes.
中心に竹串をさして何もついてこなければOK。仕上げに� ��り黒ごまを振って出来上がり。Test the centers of the puddings with a skewer; if it comes out clean then they're OK. Finish by sprinkling the toasted sesame over the top.