I tend to rest one chopstick on my middle finger and pickup food with the index finger, dunno if thats the way its done but it's the way I end up doing it naturally without thinking about it, if I try to conciously pickup food with chopsticks it fails lol
I want my body to be lean, i'm bigboned and my lower body is 'chunky' compared to the rest of it, I have big calves 'thick' thighs and wide hips. I'm happy with my upper body, I have slim arms small waist and like my shoulders, it's just my lower body I want slimmer I like my curves and don't want to lose them jus wish my thighs weren't so large! but unfortunately am told it's unlikely i'll be able to do spot reduction when it comes to leaning out.
I do eat lots of fruit and veg but also just as much and more of unhealthy foods, I just can't resist a bag of fish&chips followed by a custard&chocolate spongecake dessert mmmm! I also love a good curry and pour hot sauce over just about everything, I love the way it burns my mouth and even put some on my toast when nobody's looking
I eat large portions too but the chopsticks are helping with that.
I need a huge overhaul in eating habits but that'll come gradually, drastic changes in diet don't usually work in the longterm as it's more a lifestyle change so am gonna try and slowly blend things into my daily eating habits to try and have a longer lasting result