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smbx33 (Offline)
90's ジングル
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Location: Allentown,PA
10-30-2009, 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
That`s part of the reason why the new system is actually a good idea, as you can lose your card but still be able to check your info anywhere in Japan... Or apply for a new card anywhere in the country. Before you`d have to go to the office you were registered at and out of luck if you couldn`t get there.

Either way, they wouldn`t just toss you in jail for not having the card. If you were doing something criminal to begin with, then the card would be the last thing you`d need to worry about.
If they stop you and you have to produce identification - a passport works just as well. I hope that you don`t lose your passport on a regular basis. It`s only when you have NO way of producing ANY ID that you`re going to be looking at a jail.
If what you say is true, then I like that Japan is opening up more to immigrants then! AND that guy should stop misinforming people, because stuff he was saying was just I don't think I ever lost my passport, so I guess I'm in the clear.
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