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IamKira (Offline)
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10-30-2009, 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by LordKiwii View Post
Same here. Some people I know are really woried because they haven't had their first kiss yet. But I think we're still young and it will come when it will come. No use worrying about it or anything. but that's just my opinion.
sort of the same feeling there... almost 19 myself and mine hasn't come yet, and while i don't see the point in rushing out and trying to get this one iota of closeness from some person who i'll forget in fifty years, it does beg the question as to why?

but as sad as i am to admit this because i really want to find a girl who's waited like i have and hasn't fallen trapped to these social norms which state you must pursue another person as soon as ur in high school, but you girls really need to go out and date some losers .. because i ran into a quote one day that immediately ticked me the wrong way, but the more i thought about it, the more i accepted in and found the truth in it -
"A woman must find herself in love with a couple of bad guys to truly appreciate a good one."
It's wierd to think how the tides have turned.. 50 years ago, it'd be the man who'd go lark about some women and then turn to settle down w/ a good girl.

anyway, i think i'll be able find my first kiss in college

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