Originally Posted by MMM
A fingerprint or retina is not DNA. I am not aware of a government program to ID people by DNA, but if that exists, let me know.
How is "divulging" your fingerprint giving up your rights? If you aren't doing anything illegal, then what is there to be upset about? Your retina or fingerprint has no inherent value, so if sharing it ensures there are no, for example, terrorists on the plane I am about to fly it, then they have all the retina scans and fingerprints they want.
The way I see it implementing everyone into the database with fingerprints, retina would be an improvement to the government and people would be so afraid of getting caught that crime would decrease by ALOT then again the only people I see against this are people who rather have privacy than security and criminals
As for holding DNA:
Within a year, the United Arab Emirates will become the first country to begin building a national DNA database of all residents, the Abu Dhabi-based National newspaper reported Oct 7.