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10-31-2009, 03:31 PM

You know ozkai, the level of racism and ignorance being displayed in here by you is literally disgusting to me.

What exactly makes you think that fathers in Japan are any different than fathers anywhere else in the world? Unless there is something seriously wrong with them, parents do not feel sexually attracted to their own children. There is NO difference in Japan. This is a a trait that is natural to all humans as a way to prevent inbreeding.
I think you are completely and totally missing the whole point, and reading way way too much into "fantasy". A person who has no interest in cheating can take a sibling or child out on a "date" and enjoy themselves (and in the case that it`s with their child be very proud of how beautiful/handsome the child has grown up to be) without there being the TINIEST inkling of sexual thought involved.

If you cannot go out to eat or to a movie with a female relative without thinking something sexual, you are the one who needs help... Not innocent fathers wanting to spend some one-on-one time with their daughters.

As for the mini-skirts / getting dressed up... How many girls in Japan go out NOT wearing them or trying to look nice? It`s just as much a chance for the girl to show off and experience a "fantasy" date.

Anyway, I`m not even going to critique the television program, as ozkai probably saw what he wanted to see. If it`s a program outside Japan, well, we all know the ones trying to point and laugh at the "funny Japanese" are a dime a dozen. And if it was one inside Japan - I question how much of it did ozkai really understand?

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