Originally Posted by atheistwithfaith
I don't live in fear of terrorist attacks though, and if someone wants to blow up a plane then it will be easy for a terrorist group to find someone not on the government terrorist database - the difficult part is getting a bomb onboard. Having your retina / fingerprint will make no difference surely.
Apart from on the occasion of immigration / emmigration there is no reason to take that information and even then it should be destroyed upon returning to your home country. I understand its important for government to be able to count people entering and leaving the country and to ensure that those people who enter leave when they are supposed to but in 99% (perhaps 100%) of situations it will be of no benefit to me or anyone else having my fingerprint or retina. I am still just as likely to be a victim of crime whether everyone has their fingerprint / retina / DNA on a database / ID card or not.
I should add that I am not vehrmently opposed to having that information in an alien card when I visit Japan but I am opposed to the rolling out of such forms of data gathering when a government applies it to its whole population.
Visitors are not required to have alien registration cards. Non-Japanese residents are.
Why are you opposed to such forms of data gathering when it applies to a whole population?