I'd like to see Kodocha continue! I read some of the info on the last manga, and akito was stabbed in the arm and had to go to the hostpital, but the surgrey was so extreme he had to go a hostpital in america and sana was so terrified that she took akito and they ran off some where but akito convinced sana that he shouldnt run away from it because its something that has to be done, and that was when akito 1st shead a tear.

waaaahhhhhh!!!! I wanna c it on the tv!!! But since stupid colours tv stopped showing it on satelight im made and i only have volume 1 of the dvd set and none of the manga! Man it sux when u have to depend on internet all the time when u dont even own a computer!!!!

and i'd also liked 2 c inuyasha continue, the ending was wack, and they never killed naraku and they never got all of the shards!!!

wow heheh me wrote alot..