Originally Posted by IamKira
incest isn't a sick idea at all.. we've been doing it for ages and ages... the only reasons why i wouldn't support it is because offspring tend to get disfigured due to genomes coming from too close of a genetic line.. which is also why we can't keep breeds of dogs going forever.. genetic material must be mixed up from time to time to evade certain gene mutations and to help develop a more suitable species capable of dealing w/ changes in their surroundings... but we've been making love to our siblings and parents and cousins for a long time.. as do all the animals of any species out there.. usually if confined in an environment where more suitable partners are hard to come by
but the idea is ancient and the practice, still prevalent
Ok, can you name and describe one society where it is the
norm to have sex with your immediate family? I'm not talking about societies in which it happens as an exception to the rule, I mean where incest IS the rule. Oh, and societies where people marry their cousin's don't count as cousin's don't technically count as incest- it's only parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren that are generally considered too closely related. I'd be curious to know if you can.
Incest, like cannibalism, is considered taboo in most cultures for good reasons- it's unhealthy for the overall population, and this was a taboo long before anyone knew of genes. It's actually even an innate response to family ties. There were famous studies done in Kibbutz's that showed it's not genes that matter, but the violation of perceived family relationships. In a Kibbutz children from many different genetic families are raised as siblings and they almost never inter-marry as a result, despite having no blood relation.
We've also been murdering each other since neolithic times, same as animals, but I don't think that makes murder all lovely and natural.