Originally Posted by IamKira
incest isn't a sick idea at all.. we've been doing it for ages and ages... the only reasons why i wouldn't support it is because offspring tend to get disfigured due to genomes coming from too close of a genetic line.. which is also why we can't keep breeds of dogs going forever.. genetic material must be mixed up from time to time to evade certain gene mutations and to help develop a more suitable species capable of dealing w/ changes in their surroundings... but we've been making love to our siblings and parents and cousins for a long time.. as do all the animals of any species out there.. usually if confined in an environment where more suitable partners are hard to come by
but the idea is ancient and the practice, still prevalent
Please name ONE place where incest is accepted.....because murder is a something that has been done for ages...and still being done today but believe me it still equally wrong and never accepted in society.
Now think about why it isn't accepted, not only because it is sick to want to reproduce people with defects, its against our "natural" instincts which we are born with. It should be coded in out genes not to reproduce with immediate family.
Btw. same goes for rape, bestiality, child molestation, etc.
Originally Posted by IamKira
it's not the norm, i'm just saying it happens more than any of you people like to think ....and why aren't we all cannibalistic? really, that is tons and tons of calories wasted each year... we have over 1.4 billion people dying of starvation every year.. i bet they'd be happy to benefit off all that meat.
Are you seriously twisted? The flesh of meat eating animals, including us, contains enzymes that make the meat inedible,it may taste fine, but it is very harmful. This is why carnivores don't eat other meat eaters generally. It's not moral, it's genetic and evolutionary.