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ozkai (Offline)
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11-01-2009, 03:43 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Never been. Would love to someday. And I mean that.

Though I can't help but wonder if it isn't a little like people and tattoos.

"Why is it that all people that get tattoos always feel like they need to wear clothes that show off those tattoos?"

"But what if they are people wearing clothes that cover those tattoos? Then you wouldn't know they are people that have tattoos."

So I can't help but think that native-Asian women who date Aussie men are not necessarily representative of all native-Asian women in Australia because there are a faction, I am guessing of Asian women who live in Australia who you aren't exposed to for the very reason that they don't go out a lot.
The "Asian" thing is no longer really.. Asian has become such a part of Australia that it's the norm.

You used to hear things like "easy", but even that has died now with the arrival of Aussie broads wanting "friends with benefits"

You see the notice boards here and it's not difficult to find a few British or Swiss girls posting a note for "Trip to Sydney wanted", in return for, I'm sure you can imagine..

The day's women wearing dresses and being "ladies" are all but over and as you say, Tatoos and piercings reign supreme..

Cheers - Oz
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