Originally Posted by smbx33
When you visit japan you get fingerprinted at the airport since a gaijin card is only for residents. How are you so sure that people will commit crimes regardless of the government having dna?? Did you know that there a lot of open cases that JUST have dna as evidence and because they aren't convicted criminals yet, they are free to commit any other future crimes.
If don't care about the damage that has been done to us by terrorist, I hope you don't call yourself American. I for example lost some friends and a family member in the 9/11 attack, I love it if we took measures to prevent it. Even if it decreases chances by 1%.
Future holds retina and fingerprint identification, whether you like it or not.
(My guess:
In the future you will get off an aircraft and upon exit to the landing hall you will hear the tanoy announce that you should remove any sunglasses or any item covering your eyes. From over 800 yards away a multiple scan will be in progress and it will be flicking through each traveller in recognition of their Citizenship. All unrecognised travellers will be funnelled into numbered channels for country verification and status checks. Anyone travelling on a non chip compatible passport will be refused entry. )
Some people fail to see that its for a greater cause, and instead of looking into the possitive effects they stick to the small things like:
"OMFGZ invasion of privacy" "
"no waii I haven't done nothing wrong!!!"
"Thats for criminals"
"OMFG my forefathers left me rights!!!"
"Its violating my constitutional rights"
I find people who think that their country's laws apply to wherever they are traveling, very ignorant.
How are you so sure HAVING a DNA database will prevent crimes? I see no reason why a criminal will not commit a crime just because he knows his DNA is on file - repeat offending is extremely common yet those criminals have their fingerprints and sometimes DNA taken after their first offense yet it never stops them.
You are again trying to use fear as a reason to take these measures into place but didn't address the fact that you have to actually know everyone on that planes intentions to know if they are going to hijack it. Your fingerprint does not give away any information about whether you are a terrorist. You are right about not calling myself an American, I don't.
When I am in another country, as much as I may fleetingly begrudge being treated with indignance on entering another country and having to give my fingerprint and retina I accept that "them's the breaks". However, in my own country where I am a citizen I should be allowed to go out my own business without being criminalized. Unless of course I commit a crime, but that's not what I am arguing.
It is worrying that you think rights and privacy are 'small things', clearly the system has broke you down.