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smbx33 (Offline)
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11-01-2009, 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by atheistwithfaith View Post
How are you so sure HAVING a DNA database will prevent crimes? I see no reason why a criminal will not commit a crime just because he knows his DNA is on file - repeat offending is extremely common yet those criminals have their fingerprints and sometimes DNA taken after their first offense yet it never stops them.
You are again trying to use fear as a reason to take these measures into place but didn't address the fact that you have to actually know everyone on that planes intentions to know if they are going to hijack it. Your fingerprint does not give away any information about whether you are a terrorist. You are right about not calling myself an American, I don't.

When I am in another country, as much as I may fleetingly begrudge being treated with indignance on entering another country and having to give my fingerprint and retina I accept that "them's the breaks". However, in my own country where I am a citizen I should be allowed to go out my own business without being criminalized. Unless of course I commit a crime, but that's not what I am arguing.

It is worrying that you think rights and privacy are 'small things', clearly the system has broke you down.
Do you have any idea why there is such a high crime rate? Have you ever taken a course on criminology? I have, and it is my scholarly opinion that the reason why people don't commit crimes is FEAR. Morals can have a high determination but the FEAR of being caught and prosecuted prevents many people from becoming criminals. My proof look at how low the crime rate is in countries where they have strict punishments like chopping your hand off for stealing. watch them have a lower crime rates than those countries where they have more leniency more room, more probability of getting away..

Now the type of fear I want to see implanted on people is that what ever law they break they will be punished for in one way or another. People wont commit crimes without thinking about it, for a really long time. Chances are if they commit the crime, law enforcement can have a greater chance or arrest.

My question to you, is why do you care that the government has your fingerprint, retina,etc?

Do you have something to hide? Do you not trust the country that is protecting you?
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