Originally Posted by TitansWrath
You can take it either way.
I'm no prince charming either and I have a bit of mean/evil side as in I like to play pranks toward my friends or co-workers. Making smartass comments or jokes and laughs whenever somebody gets hurt. Also I've been told that I'm weird sometimes, but I just like doing weird things for fun. I refuse to date any girls that lacks common senses and there's so many people like that within my social circle.
Honestly, Tsuruneru, you have way better chance of picking up a girl than me.
Im sure i don't have a chance at all.

I don't care what people say anymore. Your opinions no longer matter to me. No matter what i say no one cares they just keep going.
I have no enemies my opponent is my teacher.
(けとだ!) (こい) (とどめだ!) I Am Shadow The Hedgehog