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Nyororin (Offline)
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11-02-2009, 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by MoshixMoshi View Post
I just haven't had the right kind of seafood, eh? I like squid but that's only because it doesn't taste like the water it lives in. I'd love to try different kinds of stuff but I've really had lots of nasty things soo...ew
Not exactly. You could really hate most every kind of seafood out there. Everyone has tastes so it`s not unthinkable that you could really dislike every one - just very very unlikely.
Fish that tastes, well, "fishy" is generally not fresh (except for certain types). It is possible that you had some nasty one step away from rotting fish that really colored your perception of it. Or it could have been prepared in a way that didn`t agree with you. Or you could have had limited exposure to seafood as a child so it is a flavor that you are not accustomed to.

Anyway, if you don`t like it there is no reason to force yourself to eat it. Just be willing to try new things. Maybe you`ll find some you really like - maybe not. Seafood is a little like vegetables in my eyes - there are so many different types that it would be hard to not find one you liked.

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