11-03-2009, 06:02 AM
Today we add the words...
"Speak" = To talk.
"Slowly" = Not fast or quickly.
"Choose" = Select or pick something.
"Facial" = A movement or expression of the face.
"Expression" = A well known statement or face or body gesture.
Common usage.
Native English speakers often speak slowly.
They use as few words as possible to make their point. They choose words carefully.
Often the words they say have "hidden" meaning.
The hidden meanings are well known to them.
Facial and body expression add meaning to the hidden meaning of the few words spoken.
Many times what they say has an opposite meaning. An example is, "You are so bright!", usually a sarcastic expression meaning... "That was obvious, anyone would know that!"
Seeing facial expression is sometimes the only way to know the meaning of what was meant by what was said.
A raised eyebrow, pursed lips, wide eyes, rolled eyes... these facial expressions and others are as much a part of the English language as words are. They provide context (meaning) to the few words that are spoken.
Knowing the common expressions helps a lot to understand what was meant by the words. Often the words by themselves do not tell the story.
Seeing and hearing the English speaker is a better way to learn the English language than just reading the words or speaking with people who do not know the common phrases, their uses or their hidden meaning.
としていくつかの単語として、その点は確認することが 彼らを使用します。彼らは[u]を[/ル]の言葉を慎重に選択します。
[u]をフェイシャル[/ル]と身体[u]を式[/ u]がいくつかの単語音声の隠された意味を意味を追加しま す。
何を反対の意味している多くの回。例ですが、"あなた� �そんなに明るい!"通常、皮肉な表現の意味... "誰でも知っているのは明らかなことだったよ!"
顔の表情を見ても何が何を言われたものだったの意味を 知る唯一の方法です。
調達眉毛、口をすぼめ、広い眼、巻き目...これらの顔の 表情や、他の多くの言葉だとして、英語の言語の一部で す。これらのコンテキストは、話されているいくつかの 単語を(意味)を提供します。
一般的な式を知ってどのような単語の意味を理解するた めのたくさんのに役立ちます。多くの場合、言葉を自分 で話をしないでください。
見て、英語を話す聴覚だけの言葉を読んだり人の共通の フレーズを知らない人でも、その使用、またはその隠さ れた意味と話すよりも、英語の言語を学ぶには良い方法 です。
Oh well!
"There is culture, there is language.
One day, there will be common understanding.
With that, comes empathy and compassion"