Hippykiller. Your passport is not your property but that of your government, destroying or damaging the passport issued to you is in effect destroying or damaging someone else's property.
I am on the UK's retina database and it means I can just stroll through customs without showing my passport. While the sweaty, tired and noisy people wait to be processed like sheep I am already in a taxi.
This information will never be used to persicute me ala Kafka.
RFID is near impossible for normal people to spoof and damn hard for professional criminals. Even so, the spoof can only work if the card is not to be shown and then it requires some pretty sick hacking into very secure servers.
All identification level RFID is encripted and so cannot be used by copying it from your wallet unless the thief has the algorithm to crack it. They don't! (unless they are governments).
This type of theft is only good for magnetic strips.
I am fully RFID carded up and think it is a serious time and hassle saver. People that are scared of it are those still preaching about the dangers of microwave ovens and aluminum foil.
DNA samples would come in handy if you ended up dead by doing something stupid on a mountain, at sea or piss off wild animals/gangsters.
Your family will want to know that pile of blood and gore was their lovely son/daughter.
As for fingerprinting and photographing all visitors. BRILLIANT IDEA!
They should have implimented that in the UK before they built the channel tunnel.
But seriously. How can a country tell if all passengers arriving on a plane are who they say they are. Can they trust the country of departure to screen passengers?
It seems not, after many reported incidents of people using fake id or just abusing lax security to get on a plane to wherever.
At least in Japan the get a record of dabs and mugshot just incase that fat American customs officer was low on sugar or that XXXXX customs officer was taking a bribe.
FFS, stop moaning about this issues and look at them as a positive step in creating a more secure envronment to live in.
At least I get my stuff back if I am drunk and loose it in Tokyo thanks to my gaijin card