Originally Posted by Columbine
The two that really gave me issue were る and ろ but the memnonic I used to remember them was that る has a RUby and in ろ it's ROlled away.
Similarlyル andレ, though I never figured anything to help remember that.
oh! and vis-a-vis われね I remembered it as わ is like a round mouth saying 'wah' \(oわo)/, れ is like a pair of REins tied to a post waving in the wind, and ね is the spotty NErd left over.
I remembered ル because it looks like a kangaRU's tail and leg.
ね I remembered because it's the first part of 猫 and looks like a cat to me. It's also how I remember the kanji and in fact 猫 is the first kanji I learnt. All the other hiragana and katakana I learnt using the old write and repeat method. I still have issues with katakana though.