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(#17 (permalink))
mandalina (Offline)
Posts: 42
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Turkiye
11-04-2009, 05:43 PM

I used to make things to remember kana while studying hiragana.

れ - I think this already looks like a r letter and it's reading in my native language is "re"
ね - this is also like a n and it's reading is "ne"

since these are okay わ is easy to remember. I don't think my way will work for anybody since it's about my native language.


き - I used to repeat "kilit" which means key while stuyding this kana. it looks like a key, isn't it?

け- this is "kedi" which means cat

せ - sepet, means basket

な - nakış işlemek, to embroider

め - "me" is the sound of koyun (sheep).

ぬ - kuyruklu koyunu kurt kapmış. The wolf snatched the sheep with tail.

は - time for halay. a folk dance performed by holding hands and forming a circle (accompanied by drum and zurna).

ほ - horon. hold your arms up and begin to dance horon, a folk dance of the eastern Black Sea coastal region.

む - musluk, tap, faucet

も - a cow bell and sound of cow is "mo"

ゆ - it looks like a fish and from yüzmek (swimming) comes yu

よ - the word for this kana for me is yol (road) to remember it's yo

ら - Egypt God "Ra" is sitting on the throne.

However I am still having trouble with katakana (also even if I could read it it's a big problem for me to get right word).

And for Kanji I am still very weak about it.
I sometimes do multiple-choice quizzes for Kanji and I get the meaning of Kanji right most of the time (not all the time) from the shape of it. (because of Basic Kanji Book which gives pictures with Kanji)

秋 I guessed this is autumn from options because it has fire kanji in it and autumn has fire colors.

安 cheap has woman 女 and from (some) woman obsessed with discount selling times I can remember cheap.

親 parent with look 見 parents watches us.

泳 swim from splashing 水 water around

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