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ozkai (Offline)
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11-05-2009, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
I'm pretty sure that adultery isn't illegal, but like one of the other posters implied if you're not Japanese and married to a Japanese citizen, and you decide to divorce, then you're pretty much screwed. If you're planning on leaving your partner I'd recomend seeing a solicitor/lawyer right away. Don't take your kids back to your home country though as most Western countries are required to send children back in these cases, whereas Japan has no such law, meaning you'd be forced to send yout kids back to your partner and the case of 'abduction' will look awful on you, ruining your chances to keep the kids. So I guess either stay with them or seek legal advice.
You wouldn't stand a chance in hell of getting your kids of of Japan legally.

This is definitely recognized in the US and Australian courts.

For the child/ren to stay in Japan would mean the non Japanese partner could kiss them goodbye for a long time.

You would be successful in your home country.

Japan is not a party to the Hague convention agreement on Child abduction.

Japan ranks up their as a first child abduction friendly country in the world.

Cheers - Oz
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