11-05-2009, 09:29 PM
Name: Emilia (Call me Emi!)
Age: 16
Favourite Type of Lolita: Sweet
Favourite Lolita Brand: I don't really have a favorite. My friends make most of my stuff...
Favourite Lolita Store: In the Starlight
Favourite Colours: Pink and Black
Likes: Candy, orange juice, Usa-Chan (my stuffed bunny), using the term "Teddy-Bear Lolita" for plus sized Lolis!
Dislikes: People who think that Lolitas HAVE to be size 0, Shaft, stalkers, and dogs.
"When the world gives you lemons, make grape juice and sit back while people try to figure out how
in the world you managed to do it."
I AM happy, I'm just pissed.