Originally Posted by filiadragongurl
Any (positive) feedback is welcome 
That's like me saying:
"Could anyone correct my English sentence below? Any positive feedback is welcome!
「リバイビング・ローカル・エコノミーズ・アンド・イ ンプルービング・ザ・イフェクティブネス・オブ・ロー カル・アドミニストレーションズ・アー・インテグラル ・パーツ・オブ・ユー・エス・カウンターサージェンシ ー・ストラテジー」"
Could I expect to receive positive feedback from the English speakers on JF if I did this? Would you do it?
To all the romaji-users on JF, which are way too numenous to my dismay, always remember that if my "English" sentence above looks terrible and repulsive, that's exactly how romaji looks to the Japanese. Yes, ugly!