11-06-2009, 01:57 PM
jeez... sorry guys... I used romaji because it's for someone who doesn't know any Japanese. Plus I happen to be bad at kanji seeing as I haven't used it in 3 years and our classes were more focused on speaking than writing anyway.
I was also afraid that I'd get responses in kanji and I wouldn't even be able to read it. I thought it would be okay because I gave the character information on how he should speak and I at least put some effort in rather than just asking straight up for a translation in English. I did have to look a lot of words up (I mean how often does "behead" come up in class!)
Anyway, I see your point, and not that I really expect anything better from the internet, but could you all have said it a little bit nicer? I feel like the community is ganging up on me, and I decided to ask for help here in the first place because I really like you guys and know you help out people who've put in some effort. I even got a nice PM out of the blue from nagoyankee once saying that he thought I was pretty good at Japanese.
My comp won't even let me write here in kanji anymore, so I've gone to a different program to write it and pasted it here. Not to mention I've already tried posting this once and my computer totally froze on me >.<
3. E: "Caster, I will put it as eloquently as I can. You should be grateful I am bound to someone like you, if circumstances were different, I would have beheaded you before you finished wagging your tongue."
R: "Caster, umaku iu to omae mitai na hito to keiyaku wo kawashita koto kanshashite-te yo. Kyouchi ga chigattara omae ga kaikou shita mae ni sugu kakushimashita."
J: カスターうまく言うとお前みたいな人と契約を交わした こと感謝しててよ。境地が違ったらお前が開口した前に すぐ馘しました。
Now that it is in kanji (which I can't even read half of, btw), can someone please help me out? If you respond in kanji, please give the reading as well.
Thank you.
Edit: I am well aware that the Japanese doesn't quite match the English. I would like to know if my Japanese makes sense in the first place, and would also like suggestions on how to make it closer to the English sentence.
Edit2: Nagoyankee, yes, I would help. I would say, I'm not sure what "saajenshi" is, but your grammer looks correct, and here is the sentence in English: "Reviving local economies and improving the effectiveness of local administrations are integral parts of U.S. counter(saajenshi) strategy." Then I would nicely mention that it would be easier for people to help if they wrote it in alphabetical English next time so that more people are able to read it and more willing to help.
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Last edited by filiadragongurl : 11-06-2009 at 05:46 PM.