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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-07-2009, 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by filiadragongurl View Post
omg, I can't believe I forgot about "hakkiri"!! Thank you very much It has been a few years since I've really practiced Japanese... I try to pull it out every once in a while, but as you can see, I'm starting to forget the obvious stuff T-T

EDIT: Is this maybe a little better? I tried to use elements of your sentence in mine.

R: Caster, hakkiri iwasete morau yo. omae mitai na yatsu to keiyaku wo kawashita koto wo kansha suru beki darou. moshi kyouchi ga chigattara omae ga kaikou shita mae ni sugu kakusu zo.

J: カスターはっきり言わせてもらうよ. お前みたいなやつと契約を交わしたことを感謝するべき だろう。もし境地が違ったらお前が開口する前に すぐ隠すぞ。
Just as a construction issue, "as __ as I can" is できるだけ、〜. For example, "I will speak as simply as I can" is できるだけ簡単に話す。I'm not trying to translate what you said there; I'm just adding in a little lesson since I think this is an opportunity for a teaching moment on the construction "as __ as possible"-type thing.

はっきり言わせてもらうよ is more like "Let me be perfectly clear."

Personally, I feel like the ぞ is awkward. Try saying the sentence fast out loud and you'll see the かくすぞ is hard because the す receives very little stress, but places your tongue in an awkward position for the next mora. But that's just me with my lazy ferner tongue. I'd prefer よ myself, or んだよ.

But I'm rambling, feeling the effects of the swiiiine flu. kidding

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 11-07-2009 at 01:23 AM.
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