11-09-2009, 12:52 AM
I say C.
You`re not Zainichi Korean, and never will be. You`re likely not even a Korean national (If you have dual citizenship, I apologize.)
And in reality, true discrimination against those who are is quite small. It`s still more than it should be, of course, but I`d say that it`s far far less than the stories would have you believe. Those who complain are always much more vocal than those who do not. Those who hate Koreans are 5000 times more vocal than those who do not, just as those who have experienced real discrimination are 5000 times more vocal than those who have not. Both sides seem to be a very vocal minority.
There will likely always be some difference in your treatment because you simply are not Japanese - but whether you interpret this as racism, discrimination, fascination, ignorance, etc is up to you.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.