
. Been visiting the forums for a while and just now I decided to create an account.
Ok so I'm 16 and live in the Dominican Republic. I want to go to Japan. From what I've gathered college is very important for a job in Japan. Thing is I don't want to go back to the U.S to do college unless absolutely necessary. I want to do Software engineering.
So my question. There is this institute here (in D.R) ITLA (Instituto tecnologico de las americas) and it talks about some "icarnegie" certifacate after you graduate. Anyone know what that is and is it good (presentable/renowned)? 2 years or 2 and half to graduate in this institute I think.
So if this institute's certificate is good, and I learn some Japanese (I will know 3 languages if I do, spanish english and japanese), then I will have pretty good chances of landing a job yes? So that still leaves the most important. Looking for a place to stay. Any recommendations will be apreciated

I've heard mention a sakura house or something. Can anyone tell me about these?
iCarnegie: Curriculum Powered by Carnegie Mellon There is a link to the iCarnegie
ITLA - Centro de Certificaci If you can read spanish, there is the institute's page. (the certification section)
So can anyone help?