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DJnohara (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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11-10-2009, 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
I always found this an interesting topic.

It's very rare to find someone complain about dishonesty in Japan.

I felt the good and the bad. I soon learnt not to hang my shopping on my Yamaha Jog parked in the local supermarket car park as it would often be gone.

I believe the culprits would have been senior women.

What's your image of the honest or dishonest within Japan or your image on the topic?
When I was there the only time I was lied to was when a friend and I tried to get a drink at a coffee shop in Kyoto, and there was only one person working there, but she told us the store was closed when I wasn't.

I bought it at first but my friend says to me she lied to us, there were people in side and the lights were on. Then I'm just like well that's just rude <.<

I think it's because the girl who was working there didn't want to deal with other languages, so that's why she lied.
Aside from that, I didn't encounter any other problems while I was there.
It wasn't a big deal, it just means not everyone you meet is nice or polite.
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