Originally Posted by ozkai
I always found this an interesting topic.
It's very rare to find someone complain about dishonesty in Japan.
I felt the good and the bad. I soon learnt not to hang my shopping on my Yamaha Jog parked in the local supermarket car park as it would often be gone.
I believe the culprits would have been senior women.
What's your image of the honest or dishonest within Japan or your image on the topic?
It's true that people rarely complain about crime and dishonesty in Japan, and people often brag about it being a safe and honest place (whatever the hell that means) -- but these days, the "Japan haters" are so common that I hear more "Japan is racist" comments than I hear praises about it being "honest"
But as far as my experiences, Japan seemed almost
too safe. I would often walk or ride bike to the コンビニ at night, and it was creepily safe and silent... maybe there was a dishonest Yamaha thief lurking in the shadows that I never came in contact with