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JF Ossan
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11-11-2009, 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
And how exactly does that tell them that it's a good thing?

Yes, actually I can say that. I've been in a school (like I said before) that has taken soft drink machines out, and replaced them with "healthy" drinks. What happens? Nothing. We (students) stop buying drinks from the school and get our "unhealthy" drinks elsewhere.

Most of the people I know, didn't buy soft drinks from schools to begin with.
A school is an educational institution. Allowing candy bar machines and soft drink machines in the schools is the same as endorsing them.

Sure, teenagers have more freedom and ability to guy buy whatever they want, but tweens and younger kids don't have that freedom as much (some not at all) so it is probably more effective for them.

There were no soda machines in my school growing up, and I think that helps endorse the idea that soda is a sweet treat, and not a way of life. I know guys from the south that grew up with soda in school. and they drink it by the truckloads (and are obese).
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