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AzulieAngel (Offline)
Insane Shadow Roses
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Unhappy wow… - 11-11-2009, 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
I'm not sure if it's one of the most famous ones or not, but my favorite Japanese urban legend has always been "Kuchisake Onna" (口裂け女)
I'm not a good story-teller, so I'll let wikipedia do it.
Kuchisake-onna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another one I know is pretty cute to me, even though It's a scary one.
Taken from the Japan times:
"Toire no Hanako-san"
A young girl raises her hand in class. She has to use the facilities.
As she walks down the hallway and enters the bathroom, she becomes uncomfortably aware that she is completely alone.
But an eerie feeling steals over her as she walks by the empty stalls -- one, two, three. As she walks, she gets the feeling that she is no longer alone, and there is a presence with her in the bathroom.
As she passes the fourth stall, she sees a gleaming pair of eyes staring back at her.
This is Hanako-san.
Found in every elementary school in Japan, Hanako-san, or more formally, "Toire no Hanako-san," inhabits the fourth stall of the girl's bathroom.
And the same page has a few more if you care to look:
Have you heard the one about . . ? | The Japan Times Online
Those stories are just down right creepy!!! Japanese urban legends are creepy! I mean with the chance some could of really happened!

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