11-11-2009, 02:00 PM
Hmm, think it'll be a good movie...
Oh, you're not talking about the movie! (i knew that...)
I think ancient prophecies always hold some sort of truth, but we always dig to deep and make assumptions that even the writers diden't think about.
So here's a few possible reasons why we believe the world is gonna end because end of mayan calendar:
- Maya's were lazy people and by they got to 2012 they thought, let's play some killer football with bricks (which they did)
- The spanish fooled us and wrote the calendar (damn you spanish *shake fish*)
- the calendar goes on, but we just were too tired from reader the first 2012 dates...
So, i believe it's all speculation, much like the string-theory, there's proof but it'll never really be anything more than a theory.
Can you imagine what i could do, if i would do all i can. - Sun Tzu