11-11-2009, 05:28 PM
I dont agree that people only want to move because "the grass is greener".
Sometimes the grass IS greener.
It depends on what you want.
Every country is different from each other so youre life wont be the same where ever you are.
I'll take me as an example.
I live in Sweden and I'm born and raised here, and I really dont want to live here.
There are many reasons to why I don't like my country, I dislike the climate, culture, the sociaty in general etc.
And I KNOW that I'm going to be much happier if I move to a country that has more of what i like.
And I would never want to live in the same place my whole life.
I want to see and expirience the world, not just stay where i grew up and live a boring ordinary life.
That's not what I want.
I think that most people think like many of you people seem to do, because they are affraid of the "unknown".
Yeah, it IS a big thing to change country, to step out of you're comfort zone, learn new rules and culture, but isn't that part of the beauty?