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clintjm (Offline)
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11-11-2009, 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by Kyousuke View Post
i think most people would agree with you, but alot of people are tired of fat people complaining that people are being fatist towards them. like the lady who sued a movie theatre because they were too small for her, or the people who get fat eating mcdonalds everyday. you would think after they gained weight they would question the fast food first and stop, but i guess not.
I agree with most of what you say here. People can sue but they shouldn't be awarded anything. Why should people care if fat people complain like in your example. Just ignore them. They complain that they didn't know a twinkie is fattening so they call on the government to put nutrifacts all over vending machines and the cost of millions to the snack companies. Companies should fight back in court even if it does cost them more than the lawsuit. Fight to have laws in-acted against these frivolous lawsuits. The question is do we really think the average person is not smart enough to know that a cheeseburger slathered in thousand island sauce is going to be high calorie and fat. The answer is, if they didn't know then its just ignorance. If they can read, they can obtain this information.When they realize they are exploding... it should be a clue.

If you can't fit in an airplane seat well I think the customer should have the option to buy too seats. What about very tall people? Should they have to buy too seats? What about the bodybuilding monster or sumo wrestler?

Originally Posted by Kyousuke View Post
also inactive work doesnt neccessarily mean you can use it as an excuse to be inactive in your free time , or find a way to be healthy during work. the principal at my old high school used to join morning excercises for PE somedays instead of sitting in his office, but most of the time he was up and walking around doing things. I think the reason their doing it is because people dont care about themselves. you have the freedom to be overweight, but that doesnt mean its a good decision. by being overweight you have a higher chance of getting diabetes and other diseases along with it. i also think that the japanese are doing this because of the decrease in its population and the many people who die while at work who refuse to stop working.
I see your point, and this ties in with MMM's point on this too. My point was the average worker in America has little free time or are worked daily to mental exhaustion or physical exhaustion from lack of rest - lack of vacation. This lack of time leads to the poor choices of fast food when in most cases those are the choices. Its not always that they don't care about themselves, its just that from this continuous cycle, "the daily grind" leads to this. Add in kids to the cycle and this just exponentially adds to this. The average American household today vs. the Japanese household is mostly a dual income family which is a BIG problem. There isn't a home maker any more.

Yes... you are both correct that both diet and exercise are the answer to this... I'm just saying that people occupation and commute, amount of rest and vaction play a heavy role. Stress as well.

There are more workaholics in America than in Japan today. Tobacco and alcohol aren't the best for you either... Do we need more government for this too? Too much of anything is bad for you.
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